Friday, August 8, 2014

CHINA!! And Blueberry Chia Overnight Oatmeal!

It's been more than three years, BUT I'M GOING BACK TO CHINA TONIGHT!! If you could see me right now, I'm practically jumping up and down with excitement. I love love LOVE China, Chinese culture, Chinese food, and of course since a lot of my family is still in China, so it's always super fun to visit them!

The sad thing is I'll only be in China for 10 days before I head back to LA and start school! But better a little while then none!

However, on the topic of the overnight oatmeal, I've been super into it recently! In fact, I've been making basically the same recipe every night for the last three days!

Sorry the above picture quality isn't the best, but let me tell you overnight oatmeal is so delicious and super quick and simple to make! Furthermore, you wake up the next day with your breakfast already made! What can be better than that?

The basic overnight oatmeal recipe consists of only four ingredients, the ones pictured above and water! I usually add some fresh fruit as well. Super simple right?

This is what the oatmeal looks like before I put it into the fridge for the night! And the next day it becomes like this.....

Doesn't it look all plump and beautiful now? Haha, OK now onto the recipe! :)
Blueberry Chia Overnight Oatmeal
  • 1/2 cup old fashioned oats
  • 1 TBSP chia seeds
  • 1/2 container greek yogurt (I think my container was about 5.3oz)
  • 1 cup liquid (water and/or soy milk)
  • 1/2 cup fruit (blueberries, peaches, banana, what ever!)
Combine everything and store in fridge for about 8 hours or overnight!
How do you usually eat your oatmeal? What do you usually add in?